Lifestyle Ads Dominate the Big Game

February 9, 2015

This year it was obvious while watching the big game that the larger advertising agencies were finally trying something new. Just as fashion and interior design can easily be attributed to a decade, so can TV ads.

Since the first TV advertisement aired in 1941 there have been a lot of changes in the way that products or services are promoted. From ads that showcased a slogan to ad styles that were loud, bright and just simply annoying. Companies who wish to exist are constantly evolving the way they promote their products, why wouldn’t they?

Needs, wants and generations change, so why shouldn’t the types of advertisements used. During the big game it became blatantly obvious that the way in which we advertise has once more changed. It is all about promoting the lifestyle and not selling the product or service. Most advertisements were emotionally charged in an effort to captivate the audience and engage with them on a deeper level. They were meant to sell a lifestyle to the viewer. This is a new kind of marketing, one in which we happen to be quite active in.

We don’t want to pitch products we want to promote a certain lifestyle. We do it quite well. For example, we don’t want the real estate agents that we represent simply putting out their listings. We want them to promote themselves, their brand and ultimately to sell users on the lifestyle available to them by purchasing a house, not the house itself. Despite our early adaptation to lifestyle advertising, we know that a lot of people haven’t quite come around to it yet. We know it is the future of advertising.


  • Some people thought WTF - Some people were completely confused by the advertisements that ran during the big game. They were unsure what was being promoted as they tried to grasp why the ads were not directly promoting products.
  • Others thought how caring - Many people went on their social media to discuss how amazing it was to see that these big companies really cared. They confused clever advertising with companies promoting family values. Ultimately these individuals will still be converted to buyers.
  • Others were annoyed - As always, there was still a group that was annoyed that they had to sit through advertisements that weren’t funny just emotionally charged. Many found it irritating to have to sit through all those ads, and would have preferred more entertainment from the ads, as is customary during the big game. This category is most likely not the target audience of the advertisers.
  • Others applauded the big companies for shifting to lifestyle ads - Still some people were glad that there was a shift in the type of ads being run. It was time for ads to be less salesy and be more about connecting to the individual and their lifestyle.

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