AI Marketing

June 17, 2019

Artificial intelligence (AI) is already a beneficial focal point for many businesses. As a way to combat inefficiency, cut costs, and accelerate customer acquisition, artificial intelligence has become a rising star in the spotlight of new technological developments.  


With customers’ growing preferences for personalization, it makes for a more time consuming task to deliver upon these desires. The weight of these efforts can now be given to artificial intelligence. AI is constantly pulling data from customer navigation and time spent on webpages. Using these dynamics, AI breaks down the pool of users into smaller segments, which allows marketers to save time in tailoring their material to any range of demographics.


In order for marketers to understand their customers on a more comprehensive level, the information has to be extremely thorough and relative. Today, artificial intelligence saves marketing agencies time and money by performing research on the company’s behalf to increase overall accuracy. It does all this while improving its own deep learning processes, such as the mimicking of algorithms and neural networks just as in human brains.


Humans are predictable and artificial intelligence capitalizes on this for its persistent autonomous development. Websites that implement AI base their predictions on website navigation, but more importantly, on previous purchases. AI predictive analysis can guide businesses on what selections will be most fruitful for them when deciding which offered services should be focused on most. This is also known as forecasting and is a key component to marketing campaign advancement.


Yes, artificial intelligence now has the ability to interact with potential or existing customers, such as answering their questions and offering suggestions. Still in early development, Al communication with humans is the next best thing not only customers, but for businesses as well. AI programs are steadily becoming a norm for businesses to work alongside with. Additionally, Al has adapted to handle data analysis, data entry, and other clerical tasks.


In order to optimize the full potential of a company’s website, it is imperative to constantly test different ads to find which works best for that current time.    

AI is no longer a sci-fi fantasy—it is here to stay and grow. Give us a call to find out how we can best assist you in your AI implementation.

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